Shit Beer
This was a cool project I got involved with via Steve Storebo putting a message on craiglist that he needed a designer for a project, but couldn’t post the details until I signed a non-disclosure. This project unfortunately was just a bit to ahead of it’s time, as the micro brew boom was just about to kick off. Steve told me his idea: Beer tastes like shit, so he wanted to figure out a way to get the word “Shit” on a beer bottle without the government flagging it. This was at a time where you couldn’t put cuss words on your products, so below you will see the way we devised a workaround. We did all the product research, customer outreach, even designing the flavors of our products. After battling for years to get our product in bars and liquor stores, Steve developed some health issues and unfortunately we ran out of funding. I can still say today that our “Lite” beer was probably one of the best tasting beers I have ever had.